We find ourselves at a moment in time when the systems we use to govern, sustain and organise the world no longer support what is best for people or our planet.
Small collective actions by the many have the capacity to create the change that builds a more peaceful, just and resilient society; and to shape an abundant future, within nature’s bounds, where there is enough for all life forms.
Therefore, as members of the human family residing on the island of Ireland, in the knowledge that there are alternatives to our existing systems:
We dedicate ourselves to ways of being and doing that embody compassion, cooperation, community and creativity.
We are committed to ecological regeneration; stewarding the environment for future generations; and honouring the rights of every living thing.
We recognise the power in our numbers and use our voices and actions to shape a truly deliberative democracy.
We are transforming our extractive harmful economic system into one that recognises value beyond money; that provides for needs instead of mass consumption; that demands sustainability and justice before growth.
We nurture equitable and just relationships based on understanding and respect.
We collectively support practical actions which are implemented in open, participative processes.
“There is a way forward and it begins with us. We have all the courage we need. For ourselves and for the common good.”