Fossil Free Campaign
CfC partnered with Fossil Free NI to create the Fossil Free campaign.
The campaign emerged from the Linking Networks initiative and unites nearly 30 grassroots groups under a common purpose.
The common purpose of the campaign is:
- Divest: To seek that the Local Government Pension Scheme or NILGOSC stop investing in dirty and extractive industries such as oil, gas and mining;
- Invest: To encourage NILGOSC to invest in projects that are environmentally, socially and economically valuable and that can take us towards a just transition. These alternative investments might be in Community Wealth Building, a local Green New Deal, etc.
The activist groups involved in the campaign are The Gathering, Trademark Belfast, An Ait Eíle, Cultivate, Belfast Food Network, Friends of the Earth, Solidarity Network, Collaboration for Change, Eden Project, Co-operative Alternatives, Social Farms and Gardens Network, Wellbeing Economy Alliance WEALL, Practice and Participation of Rights PPR, Talamh Beo, Think Tank for Action on Social Change, Rural Community Network, NI Environment Link, Ecojustice Legal Action Centre, Zero Waste Northwest, Ground-up Community Wealth Building, Climate Craic, Fossil Free NI, Extinction Rebellion, UBI Lab, Compassionate Campaigning, Ecojustice Ireland CIC, Unite Community Climate Justice Branch.
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